LOTD #60 - Equality (Sneak Peek)

You always heard it, from the past, back when things were more free flowing, people cared more about people, equality was a resounding subject back then. 

Rewind yourself back to the 60's, 70's - again when being equal mattered to everyone.  Ideas free flowed, being free to be yourself, to be who you wanted to be with - so much easier when everyone just got along don't ya think?  Equal pay for women, equal rights for all, and my favorite love is love.  "When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free"  That quote is from our time, but it still fits in my rewind ideals.

My amazing man, yes a tiger, being free to be whom he wants, inspired this blog picture for me today.  Wanting to live in a time where we aren't ridiculed, him for being different and me for dating someone different.  Rewind myself and him back to when equality actually mattered.

You can also rewind yourself, by attending the Rewind event that starts on June 15th!  This dress, I'm wearing is made by 1313 Mockingbird Lane and also helped inspire my drive for this post today.  The events theme, which in my eyes in so fitting, is Summer of Love!  The dress will be sold in single colors, and when you get the single color you will still have a HUD to change the fringe in 4 different colors.  Now if you get randy and buy the fat pack of this dress you will have the ability to mix and match many more patterns, fringe colors!  The rainbow one happened to catch my eye so completely.  The sleeves can either be attached separately or kept off for a whole different look as well. 

Reminder - this dress made by 1313 Mockingbird Lane and the Rewind Event will be available/open until 6-15-18.

What I'm Wearing:

Hair - Moon Distance (Blondes)

Sunglasses - Izzie's 70's Sunglasses 

Dress - 1313 Mockingbird Lane @ Rewind Event Wake Me Up Dress

What He's Wearing:

Outfit - Crazy White Boy Retro Outfit

Both Used:

Pose/Prop Used - SN Hippie Car (signs and pose included in car prop)


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