LOTD #53 - Do I Dare?

Do I dare?  Do I dare enter?  Peeking through the cracks, watching and waiting every so quietly behind this old wooden door.  Do I dare still enter?

Faced with this stark reality, this decision of entering or not a place I may or may not want to be is a little scary, a little mysterious.  I for one love the country look, and who knows what is on the other side of the door, what lays ahead.  I look cute and good looking through the cracks, setting the mood nicely if I do say so myself. 

I'm featuring the daisy dukes from Caliente, that new and up and coming store that I blogged about a few posts back.  Today I got my hands on her next piece she made, and they are true daisy dukes through and through.  The front (not shown) has a belt/belt buckle that can be changed to different metal colors via a HUD.  The shorts themselves are cut out high, like all daisy dukes should be, and come in a variety of different colors.  They include: black, blue, faded blue, grey, light blue, miami blue, ultramarine blue (wearing), and white.  Remember that Caliente only makes for the Maitreya Lara body.  I told you in the last post, keep an eye on this store, and so far I'm right!!

Hair - Truth @ Uber Bloom (Blonde)

Shorts - Caliente Mami Shorts (Description in above text)

Pose Used - FoxCity @ N21 Night Sassy Bento Pose Set


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