LOTD #50 - NoBody's Baby

That's right, I'm nobody's baby.  Place me behind glass, in a doll case, pick me up only when you need me, but I will still be nobody's baby!

Today I'm here to feature and speak about 2 things!  First up is this shape!  Omg, this shape.  It makes me feel so yum yum.  It's made by none other than Lilo's Fit - I swear this creator is a genius.  She makes her shapes realistic, curvy, natural and not one of them look like the next even though she uses the same head in some of them.  She suggested to pair this with a Pumec skin, and I happily wanted to try it out.  Needless to say I bought it all.  Instead of using the "May" tone as Lilo's Fit creator did in her ad, I went with the "April" version of this skin.  This skin pairs so nicely with this shape/head.  I couldn't believe the nice price for this skin as well, and it came with the matching body appliers for the bodies as well as their shape and eyebrows!  Steal of a deal for sure!  Again, Lilo's Fit hit this shape out of the park in my eyes, I can't wait to try something new again soon from her!

Second up I wanted to point out the top - it's so cute, and I love that is says "Nobody's Baby"  because I mentioned above, I'm not, and not ever sure I wish to be again.  This cute baby pink top can be found at Shiny Shabby made by Pseudo.  Now this creator has many items up for sale at Shiny Shabby, but it didn't take me long to have my eyes spot out this top and grab it up right away.  Sizes for this shirt include; Freya, Isis, Hourglass and Maitreya.  So cute, so true.

Shiny Shabby runs until 6-15-18


Head - Catwa Catya 

Body - Maitreya Lara

Shape - Lilo's Fit Brooke

Skin - Pumec Arisha (April tone)

Hair - Truth Apple (Blondes)

Top - Pseudo @ Shiny Shabby Akari Tank Baby

Prop/Pose Used - DH Hannabelle Doll Case Rare (Used pose included)


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